Thursday, 29 March 2012

Incarnate 1.0 - Round 2

Round 2 Part 1 :Strategist Task : - 200 Points

Background:- is a web portal helps in Admission Automation for various colleges all over the country.

More Details : -

Managing application forms received online on your website requires considerable investment in web servers to store applicant data. Moreover, you will also require short-listing tools to short-list applicants to your institution quickly online. With your institution can avoid investment on servers, printing application forms/prospectus and running costs. Also, our location and course based search ensures that your Institution is accessible to wider network of applicants. Further, instant form creation and short-listing features available on will reduce your time and effort greatly. You can easily create application forms to all the courses offered by your institutions under a single platform and access application forms received for each course with a click of a button! You don’t have to use single application for all your courses; we provide a tool where you may create course wise application forms. will provide all statistical information regarding yearly applications received geographical concentration of arriving applicants, and so forth upon request.

Your Task:- 
  • To develop 20 commercially viable out of the box business strategies and tactics which would increase the amount of students applying to colleges using
  • Stereotypical ideas such as "Use Social Media" "Advertise on Facebook" etc wont be considered as strategies or tactics.
  • The Strategy or Tactic needs to feasible. Ex : Suggestion to advertise on TV will be good for marketing but is not feasible.
  • Tie-ups and Partnerships will be considered as Tactics as long as the benefit to both organizations are explained.
  • The budget per Tactics/Strategy should not be greater than Rs 5000.
  • 2 extra points will be awarded for any Tactics/Strategy that does not involve any expenses or investments.
Our Requirement:-
  • Strategy/Tacit to be Clearly Explained.

Criteria Of Judgement Per Strategy

  • Originality -  2 Points
  • Feasibility -  3 Points
  • Innovation - 5 Points
Total 10 Points  X 20 Strategies/Tactics = 200 Points

Submission Details 

Email Id:

Subject:  <<Team Name>> Incarnate 1.0 Round 2
(Ex: If Team Name is "Troy" then subject should be "Troy Incarnate 1.0 Round 2")


No Email will be accepted beyond  11.59 PM , April 6th 2012.

Phone Number: 9483328170
Facebook Page: Incarnate

Round 2 Part 2 :Social Media Task : - 200 Points


1-Go to Incarnate Facebook page.

2-Click on Share.

3- Type in your Team Name in text box and Change the privacy to Public

4- Once settings are made public do share the page on your wall.

5- After Sharing go to your profile and click on the time bar

6- Copy the Link

7- Email the link and Notice the Subject in the image.


1- 6 Points for every "Like" on the main post.

2- 4 Point for every "Share" on the main post.


Points earned by the highest scoring team will be considered the maximum points which will then be converted to a maximum of 200 points. All other teams' scores will be adjusted accordingly.


The team with the highest score (Team Troy) gets 2000 points. That means Team Troy gets 200 out of 200 points. The team coming in second (Team Apple) gets 1900 points, that would mean Team Apple gets 190 out 200 points.


Phone Number: 9483328170
Facebook Page: Incarnate

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Incarnate 1.0 - Round 1

Round 1 Part 1 :Strategist Task : - 200 Points


As most other young minds of Generation Y, Vaibhav was full of aspirations. Bright, inquisitive and creative, his family and friends expected him to go far. And he seemed to well and truly be on the path of success, having graduated from a reputable university with excellent grades and commendations, until he met with a motorcycle accident in 2010. The accident rendered him paralyzed from the waist down. At just 21 years of age, most people would have let the circumstances get the better of them, they would be demoralized and wallow in self-pity. But ask any successful entrepreneur and they will tell you that in business, an inquiring mind can overcome any adversity, any handicap. Vaibhav may not have been able to walk but his mind was always wandering. He loved reading articles on Wikipedia. It was a simple thought, an idea that allowed him to take his first steps into the field of business.

Your Task:-
  • To develop TWO commercially viable business ideas related to his interest in reading various articles on Wikipedia.
  • With Rs 20,000 as capital (Excluding the laptop and internet connection he already has and Vaibhav plans to work from home so his mother can take care of his basic needs).
  • Keeping in mind that Vaibhav is not allowed to hire a full time employee.

Our Requirement:-
  • Idea to be Clearly Explained.

Criteria Of Judgement Per Plan

  • Originality - 50 Points
  • Feasibility - 50 Points
Total 100 Points  X 2 Business Ideas.

Submission Details 

Email Id:

Subject:  <<Team Name>> Incarnate 1.0 Round 1
(Ex: If Team Name is "Troy" then subject should be "Troy Incarnate 1.0 Round 1")


No Email will be accepted beyond  11.59 PM , March 29th 2012.


Phone Number: 9483328170
Facebook Page: Incarnate

Round 1 Part 2 :Social Media Marketing : - 200 Points


1-Post Your team name to on  Incarnate Facebook Page.
(Ex: If Team Name is "Troy" then post should be "Troy" on Incarnate Facebook Page)

2-Click On The time bar of the post.

3-Copy the URL of the Post
4-Send the URL to :

5-Subject being (<<Team Name>>  Social Media Link Incarnate 1.0 Round 1 )
(Ex: If Team Name is "Troy" then subject should be "Troy Social Media Link Incarnate 1.0 Round 1")

6-Get people to "Like" the Incarnate Facebook Page. After they have liked the Incarnate Page get people to "Like" your post (Which has your team Name as text) and Leave a comment wishing you "Best of Luck" for the competition.


1- 6 Points for every "Like" on the post.

2- 1 Point for every comment by a different user on the post.

3- Users who "Like" the post but not the Incarnate page, will not be counted.


Points earned by the highest scoring team will be considered the maximum points which will then be converted to a maximum of 200 points. All other teams' scores will be adjusted accordingly.


The team with the highest score (Team Troy) gets 2000 points. That means Team Troy gets 200 out of 200 points. The team coming in second (Team Apple) gets 1900 points, that would mean Team Apple gets 190 out 200 points.


Phone Number: 9483328170
Facebook Page: Incarnate

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

What is Incarnate?

Incarnate is an online management web-fest that involves students solving real-life business problems faced by start-ups and small businesses. A panel of experts and the businesses involved judge the solutions presented by the students, with the chosen entries getting a reward. This is an opportunity for the students to showcase their knowledge, creativity and skills. The organizing team will ensure that the solutions suggested by the students are presented at appropriate forums, through which the students can explore opportunities and/or seek employment.